Greta Thunberg was recently wheeled out as a coronavirus expert on a CNN “show” to help forge a link between COVID-19 and climate change. Whilst they blatantly attempt to shoehorn their climate change agenda into the COVID-19 shenanigans, let’s see what actual scientists are saying about the “settled science” of global warming, along with their […]
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RSS feed for this sectionWho Will Be the First UK Politician to Emulate Italian MPs, Sara Cunial and Vittorio Sgarbi?
COURAGE: Sara Cunial MP calls out the COVID-19 response and Bill Gates (6 mins 58 secs) Thank you, President [of the Chambers of Deputies].Hobbes said that absolute power does not come from an imposition from above, but by the choice of individuals who feel more protected renouncing their own freedom and granting it to […]
Join the Legal Challenge to the UK Government Lockdown
From the Crowd Justice fundraiser page: My name is Simon, and together with a few other like-minded souls, we are launching a legal challenge against the UK Govt Lockdown. We believe that the Govt has acted illegally and disproportionately over the COVID 19 lockdown and we are taking action. By forcing people to stay […]
London Real – Part 3: What Do We Do?
3 hours long, but very gripping and the last hour is beautiful. Click here to watch Rose Icke III at London Real. If you want to cut to the chase, that starts at 2:15:55. Dr Dan Erickson and Dr Artin Massihi Speak out Against the Ongoing Lockdown Within the above video, David Icke refers to […]
Not Convinced About the Dangers of 5G?
Are They Getting One Over on Us Again? To start things off, this 5-minute video shows EMF radiation strength being sampled on the streets of Sydney, Australia. Using a Tenmars TM-190 Multi-Field EMF Meter, the RF strength was detected in some places to be above the World Health Organisation maximum public exposure limit of 100mW/m2. […]
London Real – Part 2: Banned by YouTube and Vimeo
Here’s the Covid-19 and 5G info they tried to conceal from you – but failed. This video was banned by YouTube on the day of broadcast (6th April 2020) and then banned by Vimeo the following day. However, it is current available via the David Icke and London Real websites. This is the BitChute version, […]
How deadly is the coronavirus? It’s still far from clear
Dr. John Lee is a recently retired professor of pathology and a former NHS consultant pathologist. Source: The Spectator There is room for different interpretations of the data In announcing the most far-reaching restrictions on personal freedom in the history of our nation, Boris Johnson resolutely followed the scientific advice that he had been given. […]
Vitamin D and Looking After Our Future
Why Are We Not Being Encouraged to Take Vitamin D Supplements? In this 20-minute video (also available here), Dr. John Campbell provides a very insightful and informative summary of his research into vitamin D and the immune system. He shows how taking a simple vitamin D tablet every day can significantly improve your immunity and […]
The Truth Behind Coronavirus Pandemic, COVID-19 Lockdown & the Economic Crash
Do They Suddenly Care More About the Elderly Than the Economy? This is essential viewing. Please show it to your family and friends – maybe during lockdown/martial law. I don’t know why everyone’s still exposing themselves to the censorship of YouTube when there are other video platforms like Vimeo around but, if they remove […]
9/11 Quiz
9/11, Trump and the Israeli connection Actually, forget the quiz for now. Just watch this (59 mins 39 secs): Part 2 (89 mins 59 secs) 9/11 Quiz Here it is. 9/11 Quiz exposes the absurdity of the official 9/11 conspiracy theory with a series of interactive questions, facts, images and video snippets. From the 9/11 […]