The day of BJ’s lockdown statement. Downing Street. Bring the noise!!
The Big Weekday Event: Monday, 14th June 2021

The day of BJ’s lockdown statement. Downing Street. Bring the noise!!
In an open letter to the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, more than 40 doctors, medics and scientists in the UK say children are more vulnerable to the potential long-term effects of COVID vaccines. From the Children’s Health Defense: A group of more than 40 doctors, medics and scientists is calling the UK government’s […]
Former Greater Manchester police sergeant Peter John Meadows trusted the UK Government’s Covid-19 vaccination policy. The decision cost him his life. It has taken his two brave daughters, Louise and Lisa, to expose what took place from the time he was vaccinated until he died. Despite collecting vaccine adverse reaction data via their Yellow Card […]
New estimates suggest over 250,000 demonstrators were at April’s London march. You can download this video by right-clicking here and selecting “Save (link) as…”.
This is an excellent video to share with friends and family to expose many of the issues surrounding the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines”. Are You Getting the Vaccine? (16 mins 13 secs) You can right-click here to download this video. It’s also available to view/share on bitchute.
One doctor told Sky News: ‘If the situation is not brought under control soon, it will get so bad that people will die on footpaths for lack of oxygen.’Daily Mail, 20th April 2021 Meanwhile, Just tuck your arm in a bit, Love…Crisis Actor, India VIDEO: India’s new “double mutant” variant of the chinavirus. People just […]
Mass demonstration at 1pm in London, Saturday 24th April.
Recent medical studies have been conducted on silver nanoparticles and potential efficacy against COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2). Click the following links to view each paper. Nanomedicine Formulations for Respiratory Infections by Inhalation Delivery – Covid-19 and Beyond: The surveyed literature indicates that silver NpC of diameter 3–7 nm can be highly effective in suppressing viral infections.…We estimate […]
This is the interview to show people that are considering getting jabbed. Mike Yeadon was the lead scientist at Pfizer with a background that makes him very well positioned to call out the Government on their COVID-19 and vaccination policies. The interviewer is James Delingpole and the discussion lasts for 1 hour 6 minutes: Meanwhile, […]
How is the ongoing Government oppression affecting you? Evidence requested by Parliament Committees this weekend. From Government Committees page: In order to seek to control the impact of Covid-19, the Government has introduced successive restrictive measures, with varying degrees of severity, both nationally and locally. The impact of these measures has been widely felt, and […]