Location Confirmed for Burnley March

The meeting point for the Burnley March Against Geo-engineering and Chemtrails is Peace Gardens, just outside Burnley Central Library. The meeting time is 12pm. View Larger Map embed google map
The meeting point for the Burnley March Against Geo-engineering and Chemtrails is Peace Gardens, just outside Burnley Central Library. The meeting time is 12pm. View Larger Map embed google map
The meeting place for tomorrow’s London March Against Geo-engineering and Chemtrails is now Richmond Terrace (SW1A 2JL). Please see facebook event page for more info/discussion. View Larger Map embed google map
From 1940 to 1979, the Ministry of Defence performed a series of secret chemical warfare experiments on the UK public which included planes dropping large amounts of poisonous zinc cadmium sulphide on the population. This wasn’t publicly known until 2002. See the original Guardian article.
Welcome to our new-look website. We’ve added some new features – most notably the much-anticipated rainwater tests results map, the Donate facility (please consider using it!) and the quiz. There’s a load of other new stuff as well, and we’ve a couple of ideas we’re going to be working on over the coming weeks too. […]
A huge heartfelt thank you to everyone helping raise awareness on every level – locally here in the UK and worldwide. Each one doing the best they can with efforts large and small with respective skills, talents and energies, reconnecting people to truth and heart. The power of one is coming together focusing intention to […]
We have a new ‘about us’ page on our website. Please take a moment to read it so everyone understands where we (who admin this page) are coming from so we remain united with intention to help raise awareness to bring this aerial assault to a halt. If you have any professional skills and/or time […]
25th August 2013 at in London, Glasgow, Burnley and Douglas (plus many other locations around the world). Facebook event pages: London march – gathering at Trafalgar Square at 12pm, then peacefully walk to Parliament Square for 2pm. Glasgow march (Glasgow group) Burnley march Douglas march NOW is the time to DISSOLVE DENIAL & TAKE ACTION. Come and […]
From YouTube User Shine Bright: showing the view looking south. The chemtrails are clearly seen & are blowing north. Within 15-30 mins the whole sky will be covered by the trails, turning the blue sky, grey
Ben Dobbs has an article in the Kent Messenger Newspaper!! The KM is the largest local news paper in the entire country!! At last some main stream media coverage of the heinous crime from a realistic point of view. The article is well balanced and thanks must be given to KM for not producing a […]
Check this propaganda out!! Tweeted to us via @Jamnoise72 “Telegraph reader Ian Wylie sent us this lovely photo of vapour trails over Kew Bridge, taken just before sunset on Saturday. Ian writes: “Contrails from high flying jets had been particularly evident all day, illustrating just how busy the skies are over west London – both […]