About James Hodgskiss
Call them what you like, but we're stuck with the phenomenon that aircraft trails are filling our skies, depriving us of essential sunlight.
As well as decimating the ecosystem and contributing to climate change, these aircraft trails are impacting us mentally, physically and financially.
Mainstream media is unwilling to host a debate on this growing, major concern - just as is the case with 9/11, 7/7 and
global warming climate change itself. Why? Because they do not want the public to learn the demonstrably flawed narratives that each one has to be delivered with.
As for Her Majesty's Government, despite pumping all our billions into the lucrative climate change industry, the only thing they appear to be doing about these airborne climate changers is preparing us for the
Regulation of Geoengineering .
How It Used to Be Is How It Should Be Jimmy Cliff - Those Good, Good Old Days
I see it happen all the time, a lot of people don’t care, but just because you ignore it doesn’t mean it will go away, there are barely any flight paths over us, yet so many trails….
I am happy to distribute leaflets and fight for Plymouth. Please see my page: