EPA Action. What You Can Do NOW.
Activists Testify at the Environmental Protection Agency in Washington DC
After great success exposing weather manipulation and ongoing climate engineering being a lesser known cause of climate change with accompanying negative health and environmental side effects at the Paris Conference, ( See our Paris report here) Max Bliss and Patrick Roddie pushed on to influence US legislature and joined fellow activists, Jim Lee, creator of Climate Viewer Michael Saraceno and Amanda Baise, in Washington DC on August 11th 2015.
They all made brilliant groundbreaking testimonies at the Environmental Protection Agency during a public hearing titled “A Proposed Finding That Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Aircraft Cause or Contribute to Air Pollution That May Reasonably Be Anticipated to Endanger Public Health and Welfare and an Advance Notice of Proposed Rule Making Regarding Aircraft Engine Greenhouse Gas Emissions” on July 1, 2015 (80 FR 37758)”
Activist Max Mogren from Washington DC describes how our hero activists exposed the EPA’s ignorance by saying…”In typical Establishment fashion, the EPA’s proposed ruling only focuses on six greenhouse gasses emitted by airplanes: CO2, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride. This is blatant institutionalized ignorance at its worst: airplanes produce a wide variety of pollutants, not just six greenhouse gasses. Several of these pollutants — like lead, aluminum, and barium — pose a much more direct threat to public health and welfare than non-toxic substances like CO2.

Our Hero Activists testified to the EPA. Bravo and well done Michael Saraceno, Jim Lee, Amanda Baise, Patrick Roddie and Max Bliss
The EPA’s proposed ruling cites IPCC reports as justification for ignoring the impacts of aviation induced cloud cover, metallic particulates released by airplanes, high altitude water vapor emitted by airplanes, and other significant factors affecting planetary and human health. ( The Administrator’s proposed findings come in response to a citizen petition submitted by Friends of the Earth, Oceana, the Center for Biological Diversity, and Earthjustice (Petitioners) requesting that the EPA issue an endangerment finding and standards under section 231(a)(2)(A) of the Act for the GHG emissions from aircraft. The EPA is not proposing or taking action under any other provision of the CAA.)
Fortunately, several prominent pro-science, pro-logic, pro-planetary health personalities showed up and spoke in opposition to covert chemical spraying, climate engineering, and official obfuscations of the climate change issue.”
Here follows the testimonials made by the activists. (You can view the entire hearing here.)
Jim Lee
Jim Lee’s testimony (transcript here) raised the question, among many others, of leaded gasoline and what effect “aviation induced cloudiness” has on the climate. He requested mandatory, random testing a of jet exhaust immediately and lidar observations to prevent possible terrorist attacks using aerosols.
Michael Saraceno
Michael Saraceno brought to light environmental factors contributing to Autism and NextGen Sky Highway pollution.
Amanda Baise
Amanda Baise commented on how disillusioning the Environmental Protection Agency is, how countless agencies were unresponsive and she demanded no more run around passing off accountability and responsibility about this issue.
Patrick Roddie
Patrick Roddie’s Testimony (transcript here) noted the rising health effects of persistent contrails that he believes are artificially nucleated with Solar radiation Management patented chemicals presently in full deployment around the world today since the 1990’s.
Max Bliss
Max Bliss’s testimony (transcript here) highlighted numerous examples of weather modification and scientific evidence for intentional and deliberate cloud cover generation to influence the climate to instigate the UN Agenda 21’s ushering in the despotic New World Order.

“They don’t have any excuses now. They have been informed. The EPA is now legally bound to DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS. If they don’t, THEY MAY BE PROSECUTED.” Peter Kirby
What You Can Do NOW-
Please Send The Directive to Ban Geoengineering to the EPA in Washington DC.
It’s not just for people in the US- people world wide can comment..the atmosphere has no boundaries!
Have your voice heard to influence the law pertaining to jet emissions and aerosol injection induced cloudiness.
We heartily encourage you to submit your comment to the EPA in Washington D.C. via Email and backed up snail mail by Aug 31st to make sure it is received.
We received word via EPA’s Lucy, a receptionist @ +1 734 214 4850 who stated, “there is a software problem and over 20,000 comments are in a limbo because of it.”
Submitting Comments
The deadline is 31st August, 2015.
Please ensure you include the reference “Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2014-0828-0001” in your correspondence and submit by one (or preferably more) of the following methods:
- By completing the form on this regulations.gov page. (And you can view the existing online comments here.)
- By emailing the Environmental Protection Agency.
- By snail mail – to EPA Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center (6102T), 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20460, United States of America.
- By hand – to EPA West building, EPA Docket Center (Room 3340), 1301 Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20460, United States of America.
Please include The Directive to Ban Geoengineering (either by pasting this link – cpuk.org/mp – or by downloading the Directive and attaching it to your email / form submission) along with your comments.
Additionally, including our Climate Change Sense document or a link to the Climate Change Sense website – ClimateChangeSense.org – will help highlight the fraudulence of the IPCC’s underlying claims.
TIPS FOR SUBMITTING EFFECTIVE COMMENTS- http://www.regulations.gov/docs/Tips_For_Submitting_Effective_Comments.pdf

The winning team’s testimonies highlighted the EPA’s willful ignorance and what Jim Lee called their “violation of the spirit of the law.”
John Vibes investigative journalist says ” The EPA actually has no concern for the environment, they just happen to use the environment as a cover story to create laws and gain an advantage for the companies that lobbied for exemptions to the agency’s regulations, and to collect money in fines. There are real solutions outside the common government paradigm, and that is mainly the ability for individuals, not governments, to hold polluters personally and financially accountable.”

Plenary notes from the Solar Radiation Management Governance Initiative, under the protection of Chatham House Rules (which means we know this was said but not who said it), said: “…as a result of the (unregulated) experiments that have taken place… Involve the general public because a) they pay for it. b) they have the power to stop it. c) keep them informed on what GE (Geoengineering) is for, but don’t necessarily ask their permission.”

“Warriors of The Deep Blue Sky” Exposing the Chemtrail Coverups for all of us. Photo Credit: Madison Star Moon
“Such regulations would increase the price of airfare for Americans and harm our domestic carriers. Over the last fifty years, the fuel efficiency of jetliners has increased by 70 percent,” said Rep. Lamar Smith, Texas Republican and chairman of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee. “Incentives are already in place to make air travel more energy efficient. This proposal is the next leg of a nonstop journey by the EPA to control how Americans live, work and travel.”
And fellow activist Terry Lawton commented, the article “failed to mention the testimonies given by Amanda Baise aka Madison Star Moon Patrick Roddie Jim Lee Max Bliss and Michael Sarenceno, which accounted for 40% of the testimonies given on the day. All of their brilliant testimonies it seems to have fallen on deaf ears, this is an absolute outrage and totally unacceptable. So its up to every activist out there to get this out on social media as best we can. All of these dedicated and passionate anti climate engineering activists put alot of hard work and preparation into their efforts on behalf of humanity. Please share far and wide.”
Reminder: The deadline to submit your comments to the EPA is 31st August, 2015.
Please realise how important it is that every person concerned about this issue raised by our “Warriors of The Deep Blue Sky,” write your concerns to the EPA and share, share, share this info with friends and family through your email lists too. Thank you!
This outrageous practice needs to be stoped. FULLSTOP.
Please ban this awful practice.
First of all well done to everyone for exposing and bringing to light the serious problems with chemtrails and geo-engineering. I intend to watch every one of these videos and read the articles, sounds like a great deal of information was given.
As for the EPA it just sounds like most of your good work fell on death ears. EPA should really anagram into Egotistical Pretentious Arseholes (EPA). The problem I find with all this is that they don’t seem to have any other viable alternative for cutting emissions or stopping the climate control programs.
These people can pass all the motions and objectives that they want, it won’t be achived and they will always lobby for what they want. Never mind about anyone else, as long as profits continue to come in and control over everything they set their eyes on…. what else matters.
Either environmental groups start lobbying for control of the environmental protocols, so they themselves can be the policy makers. Then environmental issues will get some serious action taken upon them
Money is really the motivator and the way I see it we have to do away with money, otherwise we won’t change anything. It would be great to see in future many other groups to start looking into the ideas, AND I MEAN LOOK INTO THE IDEAS of Jacque Fresco and The Venus Project.
Or even the ideas of Buckminster Fuller on creating Abundance and not Scarcity
Or Peter Joseph in Zeitgeist Addendum and Moving Forward.
Combining the efforts of Chemtrails Project UK and the activist groups and telling people that there are better ways of doing things, that is the way it will stop chemtrails, pollution and wars in the future. Its just my thoughts but something to consider.
Well done everyone again though for all your hard work.
Has anyone recently checked on any progress by EPA or other government agency towards testing the jet fuel exhaust? We are a sick nation and it is obvious that there are repercussions from the chemtrails. I have tracked my days of feeling ill and days I come down with migraines – and so many are preceded by spending time outdoors and seeing the trails all over the sky. We need help to get this to stop!! I am concerned about our future- if there is one- for many reasons. Please keep up the fantastic work and thank you so much for posting updates and for all of the links to Youtubes and articles. Great job!!!
These practices are against all moral standards that I know of and can only be described as nefarious. If I could I would sue everyone involved for seriously affecting my emotional and physical wellbeing. Who on Earth do these people think they are? The honest answer would be scary.