Archive by Author

“Precipitation Enhancement” = Making It Rain


“Here we have part of a 2013 report from the UN WMO confirming active “weather modification projects” in 42 nations. Note how many nations have been engaged in “precipitation enhancement” Source In official documents Weather modification is sometimes termed “geoengineering”, “solar radiation management” or “radiative forcing”. “Current catalogue of countries active in weather modification activities […]

A Flood of Policies and a Pack of Dam(n) Lies: The Deliberate Flooding of the Somerset Levels

The Environment Agenc

The denial of the Chairman of the Environment Agency that the Somerset Levels have been deliberately flooded as EU policy flies in the face of the fact that the policy is published in his own agency’s documentation. “No, that certainly hasn’t been …certainly since I’ve been chairman of the Environment Agency, which was after that […]

Air Pollution. Aircraft and the Cancerous Haze of Mainstream Reporting. Why aren’t aircraft mentioned as a source of air pollution?

chemtrails & media

“Pollution in the air we breathe is a leading environmental cause of cancer, the World Health Organisation has said.”   Believe it or not, this is the opening line in an Independent article about the fact that air pollution causes cancer. I wonder how many geniuses it took to come to this conclusion and how […]

Film Screening to Expose Climate Manipulation Prior to Pro Geo-engineering Lecture

why invite

The award winning film “Why In The World Are They Spraying?” will be screened – one day prior to a pro geo-engineering lecture given by Dr. John Shepherd titled “Engineering The Climate: Is It The Answer?“ This ground breaking documentary pulls back the curtain on global weather modification programmes showing it to be in full […]