9/11 Quiz

9/11, Trump and the Israeli connection

Actually, forget the quiz for now. Just watch this (59 mins 39 secs):

Part 2 (89 mins 59 secs)

9/11 Quiz

Here it is. 9/11 Quiz exposes the absurdity of the official 9/11 conspiracy theory with a series of interactive questions, facts, images and video snippets.

Try the 9/11 Quiz

From the 9/11 Quiz website:

As we stumble towards World War 3, the need to become certain of our past before contemplating our future seems more urgent than ever.

I write this in September 2014, with so many lives having already been lost since 9/11 and so many of our freedoms gone with them. Such trends will only continue unless something changes – unless we begin to think independently and rationally.

I created 9/11 Quiz to do my bit to help facilitate such an increase in awareness and consciousness. Whilst 9/11 happened 13 years ago, the current escalation in international conflict and the state of our own media, government and ‘respected’ public figures make this an opportune moment to reconsider the biggest event in recent world history that is continually shaping our lives.

Focusing on issues that the mainstream media and government officials don’t like to go anywhere near, 9/11 Quiz exposes the absurdity of the official 9/11 story with a series of interactive questions, facts, images and video snippets.

Apart from the official one, there are no conspiracy theories in 9/11 Quiz. And all the facts within 9/11 Quiz are backed up with resources, so you can check everything out for yourself.

Try the 9/11 Quiz

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