Not Convinced About the Dangers of 5G?

To start things off, this 5-minute video shows EMF radiation strength being sampled on the streets of Sydney, Australia.
Using a Tenmars TM-190 Multi-Field EMF Meter, the RF strength was detected in some places to be above the World Health Organisation maximum public exposure limit of 100mW/m2.
Note the frequency range of the EMF meter is 50MHz to 3.5GHz. This means it is likely to be detecting and reporting the sum of 3G, 4G, 5G and other signals. (So not just 5G.)
Microwave Weapons Expert Speaks Out Against 5G
The main attraction. In this engaging video (1 hour 36 minutes) from 2018, renowned British physicist and microwave weapons expert, Dr. Barrie Trower, discusses with Sir Julian Rose his enormous concerns about 5G.
What Can We Do to Stop 5G?
The good news about Covid-19 is that it is really bringing 5G into focus. (And the censoring must be helping no end!)
However, we seem to have more 5G problems/catastrophising in circulation than solutions. So here are some suggestions to try and address that imbalance.
They’re not perfect, but they might be a step in the right direction for some of us.
Voting With Your Wallet
All four of the mobile phone networks here in the UK are rolling out 5G. So, even if you’re only a 2G, 3G or 4G customer, you’re still paying for the 5G implementation.
As shown by Dr. Trower in the above video, this means all 2G/3G/4G/5G consumers are voluntarily paying for the current destruction of our health, the current destruction of our trees, the current destruction of our biosphere and the severe impairment of our children’s and grandchildren’s futures.
Alarmingly, whilst we’re locked down, the 5G sites are going up. Whilst many of these are getting quickly burned down, the vast majority are likely to remain.
But what about the proposed 20,000 5G satellites? Unless someone launches a pro-life satellite to take them out, the only solution is to try and prevent them going up in the first place.
I suggest the most effective action we could take is to simply cancel our mobile phone contracts. I.e., non-compliance.
Whilst this might be bordering on the unthinkable for many of us, it might be a bit more doable than it seems.
Life Without a SIM Card
25 years ago, most of us managed pretty well without a mobile phone.
But, in 2020, we’re so used to being connected, our mobile phone has become central to of our way of life – to the extent of near-dependency and addiction.
For some of us in lockdown, as the choice is made to evade surveillance by leaving the mobile phone at home when embarking on another (state-sanctioned!) jog around the block, the realisation dawns that we might actually be able to function OK without the full power of a mobile phone on our person…
But what if you’re on the move and you need to access the internet or you need to call someone?
With memories of the good old days firmly in mind, here are a few factors and options for you to consider.
Keeping Your Mobile Phone
Just because you’ve ditched your SIM card doesn’t mean you have to ditch your mobile phone.
When a mobile phone account is cancelled, just the SIM card will stop working. This means you won’t have access to the mobile network ordinarily, but most/all other functions of the phone should still work.
Via a Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection, your phone can still access the internet, which will allow most/all your apps to function as normal.
By the way, even if it doesn’t have a valid SIM card, you can make a call to the emergency services from a mobile phone if any mobile network is within range – simply by calling 112.
How to Make Calls When You’re Out and About Without a SIM Card
Wi-Fi Hotspots
Even without the SIM card, your device can still access Wi-Fi hotspots to connect you to the internet.
You can then make and receive calls via the internet.
Public Payphones
It might take a longer walk to find one these days, but they do still exist – these days, such a trip down memory lane will cost you a minimum of 60p.
CB Radio
If you just need to be contactable locally (and you can put up with the odd idiot!), maybe a good old CB radio could do the job.
Here’s possibly the best handheld CB on the market.
Depending on local terrain/buildings, your range might be limited to a couple of miles. However, this can be increased significantly if the person you are communicating with has a rooftop or loft antenna.
Usage is free.
Amateur (“Ham”) Radio
A bit more extreme, but ham radio is an option worth mentioning.
It does mean each operator needs to pass a test (requiring a small degree of technical competence) to obtain their foundation license.
But once you have your license and you’ve bought a transceiver (e.g., a handheld – maybe with DMR or D-STAR technology), you’re ready to talk to other licensed hams all over the world.
Again, usage is free.
How to Access the Internet When You’re Out and About Without a SIM Card
If accessing the internet can’t wait till you get home then, again, maybe a Wi-Fi hotspot will do.
They’re available in many places, especially in and around towns and cities.
Just a thought. For those of us that live in less-urban areas, maybe there’s a risk-free way to share our home Wi-Fi with others – so we could enable other SIM-free passers-by to access the internet and make calls more readily?
The Benefits of Going SIM-Free
Now, there’s obviously going to be a lot of inconvenience involved in ditching your SIM card – so much so, that the idea might seem just too far out of reach for you.
However, don’t forget to factor in the advantages:
Personal Health
Whereas mobile phone networks use dangerous microwave frequencies (around 900MHz and above), most ham radio handhelds use VHF (144MHz) and/or UHF (432MHz).
And, lower still, is CB radio sitting in the HF band (27MHz).
NB – Wi-Fi also uses microwave frequencies. Whilst Wi-Fi is still dangerous, it is transmitted at a much lower signal level than 4G and 5G.
By the way, whichever way you choose to use a mobile phone to make calls, remember it’s safest putting it on speakerphone mode so you can hold it at a much safer distance away from your head.
Also, if carrying the phone on your person, consider turning it off or at least putting it on flight mode and ensuring the radios (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS/Location, NFC, etc.) are all turned off.
Finally, completing the technical retreat, you can go the whole hog by turning off your home Wi-Fi microwaves altogether, fitting Ethernet cables and Ethernet ports around your home instead.
Environmental and Ecological Health
If you haven’t watched it yet, please watch the Dr. Trower video, above, to see how 5G (and our funding of it) is destroying the biosphere.
At 96 minutes long, it’s a fairly long video, but it’s an easy watch and very rewarding.
An added benefit of scrapping your SIM is that it makes it much harder for big brother to track you, your location and your activities.
That said, I believe that Ofcom may monitor ham radio activity – but, presumably, to a much lesser degree and as a much smaller piece of the Orwellian jigsaw. (That’s if it’s one, at all.)
Independence / Going Off-Grid
If the phone network infrastructures go down, the direct point-to-point methods of CB and ham radio will still work.
This is obviously of huge benefit in a crisis scenario – not only aiding organisation, but also helping to allay fear and panic amongst those you would like to be in contact with.
Of course, you are bound to enjoy not receiving any more mobile phone bills – and putting the money you save to better use.
Giving It a Try
If you’re not sure about cancelling your mobile phone contract right away, why not start by seeing if you can go SIM-free for 24 hours.
Preparation is Key
Recommended planning before the big day:
- Figure out your alternative method(s) of connecting to the internet – in particular: when, where and how.
- Make sure you have your alternative contact method(s) set up – e.g., Skype, WhatsApp, etc.
- Let your regular contacts know the new way to keep in touch with you.
- Finally, take your SIM out and keep it somewhere safe, out of the way, until the same time tomorrow.
The Following Day
Did you get through the 24 hours OK? What could you change or improve? Can you go longer – three days, a week, a month? Can you go SIM-free indefintely??
Need a Compromise?
If you couldn’t hack it or having a SIM-free phone just isn’t viable for you, maybe there is an effective compromise.
If you’re able to severely reduce your mobile network expenditure (i.e., making less calls, sending less texts and/or transferring less/zero data via the mobile network), there are a number of networks that offer very cheap Pay As You Go SIM cards with minimal top-up conditions for low usage consumers.
It’s not perfect, but it’s undoubtedly better to be only throwing £2 to £20 into the 5G collection bucket each year, rather than hundreds and hundreds.
NB – If you go this route, you may wish to disable mobile internet in your phone settings to ensure that your apps don’t sent data via the mobile network, costing you money. (Many apps transfer data silently with little/no indication.)
Finally, you can also vote with your wallet when buying new or second hand equipment – mobile phone (the ones with the lowest SAR values are safest), tablet, computer, etc. – by avoiding devices that are 5G or “Wi-Fi 6” compatible.
Thoughts welcome! :-)
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